Time to Ignite

Let's get this campfire started, shall we?

There's an unexplained comfort that comes from a well-built campfire. Whether your creation or not, the flames make you feel warmth not only from the heat itself, but from the unspoken knowledge that the people around it are the ones most likely to be forever in your corner. If it's a fire you built or helped to build, there's the added sense of accomplishment that you created something. To top it off, at all times, there’s a sense of control that you can choose to make that fire something bigger and grander, maintained, or even extinguished. What we forget or don’t think enough about, however, is that someone, somewhere has to actually light the campfire to feel any of those things. Otherwise you are looking at a pile of wood and maybe one of those long stick lighters and an unopened bag of marshmallows.

For well over a year we’ve been looking for what felt like the right time to begin this newsletter (which was originally a book, but reading a book seems overwhelming these days), questioning if anyone really cares what 2 twins with collectively 100 years on this earth have to say about life and getting things done. We contemplated what it was we wanted to help people to do in a more specific fashion…was it to find happiness where they are? Was it to find happiness in a new place or with a new venture? Was it to build a business? Was it to find more time for your family? Was it something else?

But you know what? The perfect time never comes. Before you know it, you are looking back and asking yourself what stopped you from having a plan, but just giving it a shot and figuring some of it out as you go along. We finally decided this newsletter would be what YOU need it to be. We just have to light the match.

So here we are. We aren’t sure yet how you’ll use it, but our hope is that Campfire Chronicles sparks something in all of us to get off the couch, send that resume to 5 random companies, start a side hustle or maybe just join a virtual meetup and laugh together. Whatever it is, we will be here to help you take care of yourself, to develop an action plan, to learn the technologies and strategies you need to get there, and watch your fires of success roar together. Most of what you’ll read will center itself on starting a side hustle, but we don’t want to assume that’s the fire you are looking to start or the fire you’ll find; we just know we have to start this somewhere. So here we go - let’s light this fire, and agree to keep building it with whatever we can find to throw in to keep it going. See you next Two’s-Day…the fire starts at dawn.

🔥 Deb and Donna


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