No Time for Your Side Hustle? Time to Reclaim It!

Hey Firestarters! 🔥

We’re Baaaack!!! Sorry, but not sorry, for the time away. We’ve been a bit busy drinking our own kool-aid by taking some time with our family and celebrating our birthday with an Almost Elvis. Good Times! But back to our story…Let’s kick things back off with a discussion of TIME. ⏰

Time. Everyone needs it and no one actually has it. Maybe you're one of those mythical creatures who clocks in at 9 and out at 5 every. single. day. If so, kudos to you! You've mastered the art of time management and it shows. But if you're like us mere mortals, you've probably noticed your workday creeping into nights and weekends.

And that's not okay. 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️

Track Your Time, Take Back Your Life

We're not talking about turning into a time-tracking robot. But simply logging your start and end times can be a powerful first step. It's a way to say, "You can expect me to roar and soar between these hours!"

You know that old saying about how if you aren’t making a plan, you are part of someone else’s plan? Guess what? It works for time as well. When you stop keeping track you give the world license to control your time management.

This isn't just about reclaiming your day; it's about reclaiming your life for your own pursuits and passions. It’s about reminding yourself who actually owns your day: YOU!

Take it a step further and log what you're actually working on. You might be surprised to discover where your time is really going. Are there tasks you're pouring energy into that aren't getting you anywhere? Could you simply...gasp…stop doing them? Would anyone even notice? 👀 😮 🚒

Salaried Folks, This One's for You

Remember that glorious day when someone said, "You don't have to track your time anymore"? 🎉 Yeah, that was awesome...for about a week.

The problem is, when you stop tracking time, boundaries get blurry. You start working through lunch, staying late "just because," and before you know it, your friends and family are planning weekend getaways without you.

We're not advocating for phoning it in at work. But if work has you on speed dial 24/7, it's time to set some limits.

You Owe 100% to Your Employer, and the Rest to Yourself

Your employer deserves your best during work hours. But the rest of your day? That belongs to you. It's time for that passion project, quality time with loved ones, or simply recharging your batteries.

So, firestarters, let's ignite a revolution! Let's track our time, set boundaries, and reclaim our lives. We have so much to share about doing that in the right way, but first we want to make sure you are finding the time you need for all of this to be a success. Besides, what's the point of stoking the flames of success if you don't also have time to enjoy the warmth? 🔥

Your Friends in Fire,

Deb and Donna


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