🔥 The Best Fires Have Boundaries 🔥

Set boundaries and feed the right fires

Hey there, flame-throwers! 👋

Buckle up, buttercup, because today we're torching the notion that passion MUST come from your 9-to-5. We're also throwing in a little love on setting boundaries to protect the fires you intentionally set.

Full disclosure: we both fell for this assumption that we owed all of our passion to our main employer. We busted our tails and dare we say outworked everyone, convinced that our "day jobs" had to be where we poured every ounce of fiery enthusiasm. And hey, we delivered. Our bosses and coworkers can vouch for that. But here's the kicker we’ve uncovered and the secret to our happiness:

Nobody ever actually said passion HAD to be tied to the job that pays for your dental insurance. 🤯

If you're finding your spark in your career, that's awesome! We are incredibly happy for you! Stoke that inferno and become a freakin' dragon. 🐲 BUT... if your “9 to 5” job feels more like a lukewarm bath, it's time for a wake-up call AND some serious boundary-setting. And remember, it doesn’t make you a negative or terrible person to think:

  • Your day job is your insurance job. It keeps the lights on, the fridge stocked, and the roof from leaking. You owe your employer solid work for that. Not a question.

  • Your passion is your HOME fire. It's what lights YOU up. It's the extra fuel you pour into your life to become a raging bonfire of awesomeness. 🔥🔥🔥

You owe your employer 100% of your work week. You owe YOURSELF everything else.

Should you stoke some fire at work because you love it? Absolutely. It feels good to help others around you. But we also advocate for not feeding your job/employer/peers ALL of your extra kindling. Here's how:

  • Set clear boundaries. That means clocking out mentally and physically when the workday ends. No checking emails after hours, no taking work calls during dinner.

  • Turn off the notifications. We have way too many alerts in our lives. Every thing is not a fire. 

  • Protect your passion time. Schedule dedicated time for your hobbies, side hustles, or creative projects, just like you would any other important appointment.

  • Schedule at least a day each month to refuel. Your family and friends are super important, but this is your day. Take yourself to lunch, take yourself to a movie, float in a pond...you decide. 

  • Schedule at least 90 minutes every week for YOUR passions. Remember the place you work for during the day was started by someone who decided they wanted more for themselves and their family. If they can do it, so can you.

  • Learn to say "no." It's okay to decline extra work or social obligations that drain your energy. You need that fuel for your own fire.

Remember, your passion isn't just a hobby; it's essential to your well-being. Start channeling that energy into the things that set your soul ablaze. Because when you're fueled by passion, you're not just living... you are a THRIVING freaking fire of energy in the day and night. And that, friends and fire-blazers, is a sight to behold.

Keep those embers burning (and fiercely protected!),

🔥 Deb and Donna


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